Publication details

Root resorptions caused by ectopically erupting canines: A computed tomographic study.



Year of publication 2006
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Abstract book 82nd Congress of the European Orthodontic Society
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Medicine

Field ORL, ophthalmology, stomatology
Keywords root resorption; ectopic canine
Description Introduction Ectopic eruption of the maxillary permanent canines can lead to resorptions on adjacent permanent teeth. This resorption is usually silent and aggresive and can lead to the loss of affected tooth. Root resorptions are difficult to diagnose on intraoral films or on orthopantomograms due to overlapping. Computed tomography (CT) is the most effective imaging method in detecting root resorptions. The purpose of this study was to analyse the prevalence and character of root resorptions caused by ectopically erupting canines. Subjects and method The subjects consisted of 149 patients, 61 males and 88 females, between 10 and 50 years of age (mean 18 years), referred to an Orthodontic Department for consultation. These patients had 184 ectopically erupting upper permanent canines. The patients underwent CT examination. Axial CT scans and 3D reconstructed images were analyzed. The positions of ectopic canines and the presence of root resorptions were evaluated. Results Thirty-four ectopically erupting canines (18,5 %) caused root resorption on adjacent permanent teeth. The extent of the root resorptions was evaluated as severe resorption. The pulp was exposed by the resorption in all cases. The position of the canine cusp in relation to the roots of adjacent teeth was buccal in 13 of the cases (38 %) (Fig. 1), apical in 4 (12 %) and palatal in 17 (50 %) (Fig. 2, 3). The lateral incisors were resorbed in 26 of the cases (75 %), first premolars in 5 (14 %) and central incisors in 4 (11 %) (Fig. 4). In 2 cases, both the lateral and central incisors were resorbed. The location of root resorption was on the cervical and middle thirds of the root in 2 of the cases (6 %), on middle and apical thirds in 9 (26 %). Twenty-four resorbed adjacent teeth (68 %) showed apical shortening (Fig. 5). The females were affected more often, the ratio was F:M = 1,75:1. Most of resorption was seen at the age between 11 and 15 years. Conclusions Root resorption due to the ectopically erupting canines affect not only incisors (86 %) but also first premolars (14 %). Prevalence of root resorptions was 18,5 % in this sample. The number of resorptions was lower in comparison with earlier reported studies. Only the severe resorptions were recorded in this CT study, because the slight and moderate root resorptions usually do not affect the prognosis of resorbed teeth. This can explain results of the study.
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