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Skupinová solidarita a etnizace deviantního chování ve výchovných institucích. Poznámky k etnicky definovaným aspektům inkluze tzv. problémové mládeže

Title in English Group Solidarity and Ethnization of Deviant Behavior in Special Educational Institutions. Notes on Ethnically Defined Aspects of Inclusion of "Problem Youth"


Year of publication 2006
Type Chapter of a book
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

Description The text analyzes the potential of ethnically defined identities assigned to actors by professionals from special educational institutions in the processes of inclusion/exclusion of “problem youth“. My aim is to consider the notions used unproblematically and unreflectively which may result in negative unintended consequences for the actors who are labeled that way. My argument is based on the perspective of labeling approach and analytic scheme of Jeffrey Alexander. The group solidarity of these professionals I see as a mean of inclusion of excluded or marginalized actors. Ethnically defined identities can hence be understood as carrying specific social statuses, which are sources of information for educational professionals so that they can tell who is entitled to their solidarity and thus to the offer of inclusion into the dominant society.
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