Publication details

CCD Times of Minima of Faint Eclipsing Binaries in 2000


ZEJDA Miloslav

Year of publication 2002
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Information Bulletin on Variable Stars
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Citation ZEJDA, Miloslav. CCD Times of Minima of Faint Eclipsing Binaries in 2000. Information Bulletin on Variable Stars. Budapest, Hungaria: Konkoly Observatory, 2002, vol. 2002, No 5287, p. 1-8. ISSN 0374-0676.
Field Astronomy and astrophysics
Keywords eclipsing binary; timings of minima
Description CCD Times of Minima of Faint Eclipsing Binaries in 2000 - TT And, FL And, KN And, EX Aqr, V616 Aql, V770 Aql, V784 Aql, V1075 Aql, V1299 Aql, MO Aur, TY Boo, AC Boo, AR Boo, CK Boo, SW Cnc, WX Cnc, RV CVn, TU CMi, AG CMi, AL Cas, MM Cas, MT Cas, V360 Cas, V361 Cas, V702 Cas, TV Cep, IM Cep, LP Cep, CN Com, DD Com, EQ Com, W Crv, QS Cyg, QT Cyg, QU Cyg, QX Cyg, V454 Cyg, V505 Cyg, V526 Cyg, V704 Cyg, V706 Cyg, V711 Cyg, V787 Cyg, V824 Cyg, V880 Cyg, V906 Cyg, V907 Cyg, V931 Cyg, V947 Cyg, V1019 Cyg, V1414 Cyg, V1580 Cyg, V1787 Cyg, V2240 Cyg, FH Del, RZ Dra, TW Dra, AK Dra, AR Dra, VV Eri, AV Gem, BT Gem, CW Gem, EL Gem, FT Gem, KQ Gem, KV Gem, V342 Her, V719 Her, V789 Her, GN Hya, EL Lac, GH Lac, HX Lac, KO Lac, LU Lac, NR Lac, RW Leo, BL Leo, BW Leo, Z Lep, AH Lyn, DT Lyr, KT Lyr, MN Lyr, PY Lyr, V361 Lyr, V412 Lyr, V417 Lyr, V429 Lyr, V431 Lyr, V563 Lyr, VX Mon, BH Mon, CP Mon, GU Mon, V396 Mon, V524 Mon, V532 Mon, V981 Oph, CQ Ori, DZ Ori, EG Ori, GU Ori, OS Ori, CH Per, EQ Per, FW Per, II Per, PS Per, V434 Per, V Sge, AP Tau, V Tri, RS Tri, RV Tri, ST Tri, AX Vir, BH Vir, RR Vul, FF Vul

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