Publication details

Několik poznámek k metodě didaktické interpretace uměleckého textu na základní škole.

Title in English Some notes to the methodical interpretation at basic school


Year of publication 2007
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Tradiční a netradiční metody a formy práce ve výuce českého jazyka na základní škole.
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Field Pedagogy and education
Keywords literary education; methodical interpretation; methods of interpretation; aspects of classification; interpretative process
Description The paper deals with the methodical interpretation as the fundamental term in the theory of literary education. It analyses its existing conceptions and types. In its main part it includes a synthesis - the proposal for the classification of interpretative methods. They are divided according to six aspects: the subject, the focusing, the character, the function and the ways of leading of interpretation and the character of learning process. These basic methods are completed by the method of experience and the method of appreciation.

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