Publication details

Přemysl Hauser - vědec a učitel

Title in English Přemysl Hauser - don, scientist and teacher


Year of publication 2007
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference KLÍMOVÁ, K. - MINÁŘOVÁ, E. (eds.) Čeština - bádání a učení
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Field Linguistics
Keywords Czech - linguistics - methodology of Czech language teaching - lectorschip of Czech Language in Slovenia - slovene language - textbooks of Czech language - lexikology - word formation
Description E. Minářová analyses scientific works and teaching practise, educationist work of Přemysl Hauser: his works of lexicology, word-formation, syntax in Czech. P. Hauser is an author of a lot of textbooks for secondary schools, studies of methodology of Czech language. The text reminds that Přemysl Hauser popularized Czech language and Czech culture in Slovenia, too.

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