Publication details

Mapové služby v krizovém řízení

Title in English Map services in risk management


Year of publication 2007
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Informační systémy v zemědělství a lesnictví - sborník příspěvků
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Field Earth magnetism, geography
Keywords Mapping services; risk management; contextual cartographic visualization; OGC standards
Description Risk management is the process of measuring or assessing risk and developing strategies how to manage it. This article presents the possibilities of context cartographic visualization in risk management - the way of displaying information to different users by using optimized cartographic visualization according to the context. Important features and phenomena are in this process highlighted, while the low-grade ones are suppressed or eliminated. Above mentioned principles has been tested in a case study of a research project called "Transportation of dangerous chemical load". It focuses on the development of a system that provides all necessary functionality for prevention of a dangerous load disaster and functionality for emergency in case of this disaster.
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