Publication details

La Formula vitae honestae, il Tresor e i rispettivi volgarizzamenti falsamente attribuiti a Bono Giamboni, 1. La critica

Title in English The Formula vitae honestae, the Tresor and their Italian translations which were misattributed to Bono Giamboni, part 1. Criticism


Year of publication 2007
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source La parola del testo
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

web Zauli
Field Linguistics
Keywords Formula vitae honestae; Tresor; Bono Giamboni
Description The earliest Italian translation of th Formula vitae honestae is commonly regarded as an excerpt of the Tuscan Tresor. Actually it has been translated directly from the Latin treatise, and moreover it has been used by Brunetto Latini as a source for his Tresor. In this first part of the research the genesis of the mistake is shown.

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