Publication details

eGovernment Services for Environment Protection of the Czech Republic



Year of publication 2007
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Best Practice and Innovation: 5th International Eastern Europe e|Gov Days
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Medicine

Citation HŘEBÍČEK, Jiří, Miloslav HLAVÁČEK and Irena ZÁLIŠOVÁ. eGovernment Services for Environment Protection of the Czech Republic. In Best Practice and Innovation: 5th International Eastern Europe e|Gov Days. Wien: Österreichische Computer Gesellshaft, 2007, p. 58-65. ISBN 3-85403-203-X.
Field Informatics
Keywords eGovernment; environmental information; interoperability framework; environmental information exchange;
Description The paper presents new results of the national ComFrame research project (Analysis and Design of Communication Framework within International Environmental Information Systems) funded by the Ministry for Environment of the Czech Republic and related to the European DEMO-net project (The Democracy Network of Excellence) funded by the European Commission. Working on the ComFrame project since 2005, the Masaryk University has collaborated with the Czech Environmental Information Agency and at the end with EPMA , which coordinates the DEMO-net project in the Czech Republic. The basics for the findings were provided by monitoring of environmental communication activities and current interoperability within interested parties (administration bodies, businesses, citizens and academicians) of the Czech Republic. The information exchange within national and pan-European environmental information systems to support eParticipation and eDemocracy was analysed. Selected eGovernment services in environmental sector, i.e. interoperability and communication framework for national and international environmental information exchange were studied in order to meet European Union legislation, taking into account the requirement of access to environmental information and the re-use of public sector information with respect to eParticipation as well as objectives of interoperability for pan-European eGovernment Services.
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