Publication details

Temporal vs. spatial variations in concentrations of compounds with specific modes of action in river sediment samples

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Year of publication 2007
Type Conference abstract
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Description In numerous studies the contamination of river sediments has been assessed both by chemical analysis and especially by bioassays from single time sampling reflecting just the actual situation. Two year study has been conducted to reveal the spatial and temporal-seasonal variability in the concentrations of commonly studied contaminants, but namely of the chemicals with specific modes of action in river sediments. Along with analysis of known pollutants we have assessed the overall potencies of the sediment extracts for cytotoxicity, dioxin-like, (anti)estrogenic and (anti)androgenic potency. Battery of in vitro bioassays with recombinant yeast and human cell systems was used to evaluate the extracts of sediments from four consequent sampling representing two different seasons. These bioassays show an integrative measure and identify the sites with continuously increased potencies for specific toxicity. The influence of important sediment parameters such as organic carbon and grain size on the presence of chemicals with specific mode of action has been examined. The project was supported by GACR 525/05/P160.
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