From nature to lab and from lab to nature - a concept to support bumblebee (Bombus, Apoidea) diversity.
Authors | |
Year of publication | 2007 |
Type | Article in Proceedings |
Conference | Proceedings of the IBRA International Cionference on Recent Trends in Apicultural Science. |
MU Faculty or unit | |
Citation | PTÁČEK, Vladimír and Jaromír ČÍŽEK. From nature to lab and from lab to nature - a concept to support bumblebee (Bombus, Apoidea) diversity. In Proceedings of the IBRA International Cionference on Recent Trends in Apicultural Science. Helsinki: University of Helsinky, Ruralia-institute, Lonnrotinkatu 7, Fl-50100 Mikheli, 2007, p. 77. |
Field | Agricultural economy |
Keywords | Bumblebees Bombus lapidarius lucorum hypnorum ruderarius ruderatus subterraneus sylvarum terrestris biodiversityroeensis |
Description | Poster informing about the results of laboratory rearing various bumble bees inclusive the scarse species ruderatus and subterraneus with the aim to use laboratory technique to support the bumblebee diversity. |
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