Publication details

New way to cyclic nitrones by cyclization of allenyloximes


MAN Stanislav BUCHLOVIČ Marian POTÁČEK Milan

Year of publication 2007
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Book of Abstracts - XII. Blue Danube Symposium on Heteroyclic Chemistry
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Citation MAN, Stanislav, Marian BUCHLOVIČ and Milan POTÁČEK. New way to cyclic nitrones by cyclization of allenyloximes. In Book of Abstracts - XII. Blue Danube Symposium on Heteroyclic Chemistry. Budapest: Chemical Research Center, Hungarian Academy of Sciences and Eotvos Lorand University, 2007, p. 54 PO, 1 pp. ISBN 978-963-7067-15-0.
Field Organic chemistry
Keywords allenyloximes; cyclic nitrones; cycloaddition reactions
Description Now we have found a new cyclization reaction of beta-allenyloxime (2) under mild conditions in boiling methanol leading to new five-membered heterocycles (3,4) [5]. When oxime (2) was treated with NaOH in methanol a new nitrone (3) was formed in 77% yield. On the other hand in the mixture of NaOH and NaBH4 in methanol pyrrolidine (4) was obtained in 66% yield. The same product (4) was also obtained from nitrone (3) when treated in the presence of NaOH with NaBH4. structure of both products was unambiguously confirmed by X-Ray analysis of their picrates. The structure and activity of nitrone (3) was proved by its reactivity with dipolarophiles (PhNCO, dimethyl acetylenedicarboxylate).
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