Publication details

Jaká očekávání mají rodiče vůči třídním učitelům svých dětí

Title in English What are the parents expecatations to their childrens form teachers


Year of publication 2007
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Fórum o premenách školy v 21. storočí
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Field Pedagogy and education
Keywords form teacher; a teacher-parents cooperation; valued modes of cooperation; a form teachers atributes
Description Form teacher is a coordinating and integrative factor with a number of relevant educational tasks in his or her relationship to pupils in the class and to their parents. How parents asses the partnership with form teacher, which forms of partnership parents prefer and what are the results for the prospective teachers pregradual study. This paper sums up the partial conclusions of the research analyses concerning the questions as mentioned.
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