Publication details

Henryk Borek a teorie onomastiky

Title in English Henryk Borek and the Theory of Proper Names


Year of publication 2007
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference GAJDA, S. (ed.) Region w świetle nazw miejscowych. S setną rocznicę urodzin Profesora Stanisława Rosponda. W dwudziestą rocznicę smierci Profesora Henryka Borka
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Field Linguistics
Keywords Henryk Borek - the theory of proper names - onomastic terminology - complexity and inter-disciplinarity of the methodology
Description The study highlights the significance and contribution of Henryk Borek to the researches in the theory of proper names both in Poland and in the Slavonic countries. Both the innovations in terminology as well as the complexity and inter-disciplinarity of methodology of H. Borek are pointed out.

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