Publication details

MOLE: A Voronoi Diagram-based Explorer of Molecular Channels, Pores and Tunnels


PETŘEK Martin KOŠINOVÁ Pavlína KOČA Jaroslav OTYEPKA Michal

Year of publication 2007
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Structure
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

web MOLE page
Field Biophysics
Keywords channels tunnels protein cavity
Description We have developed a new algorithm, MOLE, for the rapid, fully automated location and characterization of molecular channels. This algorithm has been made freely available on the Internet (, and overcomes many of the shortcomings and limitations of the recently developed CAVER software. The core of our MOLE algorithm is a Dijkstra's path search algorithm, which is applied to a Voronoi mesh. Tests on a wide variety of biomolecular systems including gramicidine, acetylcholinesterase, potassium channels, DNA quadruplexes, ribozymes and large ribosomal subunit have demonstrated that the MOLE algorithm performs well. MOLE is thus a powerful tool for exploring large molecular channels, complex networks of channels and molecular dynamics trajectories in which analysis of a large number of snapshots is required.
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