Publication details

Miniinvazivní techniky a jejich indikace v operativě štítnice a příštitných tělísek

Title in English Miniinvasive technics and their use in thyreoid and parathyroid glands surgery


Year of publication 2007
Type Conference abstract
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Medicine

Description Primary hyperparathyreosis is more rare disorder with incidention 42/100 000. Women are affected fare more frequently and the age of patients is usually over fifty years. It is clinical symptoms, biochemical and imaging examinations, that lead us to diagnosis PHP. If the parathyroid gland adenoma could be localised by endocrinologist, that could give the surgeon the direction for the surgery. There are never the less several patients in which we are sure enough in diagnosis, that it is necessary to indicate exploration of the pre-operative was not yet found adenoma. This type of surgery should be performed by especialist, which makes their centralisation necessary. We had three complicated patients, to present results of using gammanavigation in the resection of parathyroid gland adenoma.

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