Publication details

Vyšetření výplachů srdcí drobných hlodavců na přítomnost protilátek proti Borrelia afzelii

Title in English Examination of heart-rinses of rodents on the presence of antibodies to Borrelia afzelii


Year of publication 2007
Type Conference abstract
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Description In the year 2004 a total of 238 small rodents were trapped in three localities from the Czech Republic. Examination of their blood on the presence of antibodies to Borrelia afzelii was made using ELISA method. Only individuals of Apodemus flavicollis species were found positive. This species prevailed in number of caught animals. Significant differences between the localities were found too. This fact coulůd be cause by different spectrum of rodent species on each locality, as well as by different occurence of infected ticks.
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