Publication details

Analýza a verifikácia rizika lesných polomov na Šumave pomocou GIS

Title in English Analysis and Verification of Forest Wind Storm Damages in Bohemian Forest Mts. Using GIS


Year of publication 2007
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Zborník medzinárodnej konferencie Ochrana území postihnutých ničivými prírodnými pohromami
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Citation KLIMÁNEK, Martin, Jaromír KOLEJKA and Tomáš MIKITA. Analýza a verifikácia rizika lesných polomov na Šumave pomocou GIS (Analysis and Verification of Forest Wind Storm Damages in Bohemian Forest Mts. Using GIS). In Zborník medzinárodnej konferencie Ochrana území postihnutých ničivými prírodnými pohromami. 1st ed. Zvolen: Vydavateľstvo Technickej univerzity vo Zvolene, 2007, p. 253-263. ISBN 978-80-228-1803-2.
Field Plant diseases, weeds and plant protection
Keywords forest falls - wind disaster - risk analysis - GIS - DEM
Description Tornado Kyrill has damaged heavilly forest stands in summit areas of the Šumava Mts. (Western-Bohemian Czech-Bavarian border area) in January 2007. In the course of research, the wind storm risk assessment has been done in the study area under the INTERREG IIIB CADSES project STRiM as well as various statistical comparisons between relevant natural factors and areas with classified tornado damages in predominantly Norway spruce forest stands. Preliminary results of study are presented in this paper. Low relationships between forest damages and slope have been identified as well as with slope declination. More important relationships can be seen with results of the integrated area wind storm risk assessment based on the classification of slope, aspect, soil depth and area humidity using a ball scale 0-3 marks. Five classes of area sensitivity to forest wind damages were detected and compared with Kyrill consequences. The future research will incorporate data about the forest history, canopy composition and results of other areas risk classification

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