Publication details

Mikropetrografické rozbory sídlištní keramiky z Kostelce na Hané

Title in English Micropetrographic analyses of settlement ceramics from Kostelec na Hané


Year of publication 2007
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Archeologie barbarů 2006, Sborník příspěvků z II. protohistorické konference, Archeologické výzkumy v jižních Čechách - Supplementum 3
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Field Archaeology, anthropology, ethnology
Keywords Archaeometry; micropetrographic analyses; pottery; technology
Description Micropetrographic analyses of 21 artefacts of mostly Germanic settlement ceramics from Kostelec na Hané were done. Based on the micropetrographic analyses, the ceramic samples were divided into several groups. From each group, a few typical samples were chosen and microscopically evaluated independently on the created groups. A few ceramic raw materials were identified there. Loesses (group III, VI), brick clays (group II), calcareous clays (group IV, V), and crushed clay to silty shales or their weathering residues (group I). Samples from group V contain rock fragments typical for the region of Hrubý Jeseník. Answering the question if this group of ceramics was imported to the settlement in Kostelec na Hané is very complicated without a detailed geological survey. Many of the used plastic raw materials are common for the ceraimics sets; preference of any of them was not observed. Burning temperatures were adjusted to the type of raw material. Identified technological parameters lead us to an assumption that the analysed ceramic samples were not produced by a specialised group of inhabitants of the Germanic settlement. However, the technology of ceramics production occuring in this site was perfecly controlled.
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