Publication details

Vývoj učitele: přehled relevantních teorií a výzkumů (1. část)

Title in English Teacher Development: Survey of Theories and Research (Part 1)


Year of publication 2007
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Pedagogika
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Citation LUKAS, Josef. Vývoj učitele: přehled relevantních teorií a výzkumů (1. část) (Teacher Development: Survey of Theories and Research (Part 1)). Pedagogika. Praha: Univerzita Karlova - Pedagogická fakulta, 2007, LVII, No 4, p. 46-60. ISSN 0031-3815.
Field Psychology
Keywords teacher; development; developmental stages; interpersonal development; teacher identity
Description The first part of the summary study deals with definition and consequences of the notion of teacher development, viewed more from the psychological perspective. The author presents a concept of a basic division to the narrow and the wide approach to development covering different ranges of pedagogical, psychological and social aspects related to professional development of teacher. The study further introduced certain narrowly psychological concepts of teacher development, mainly based on application of the general developmental stages of individuals, and also some narrow pedagogical concepts focusing on development of knowledge, skills and competences of teacher. The narrow pedagogical concepts usually represent development divided into various stages or levels and are often understood as development (development) of teacher per se. The conclusion of the study offers a critical assessment of the discussed narrow concepts, indicating their limits.

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