Publication details

Dohody podle § 68 a § 69 zákona o ochraně přírody

Title in English Agreements according to § 68 and § 69 of the Law on the nature and landscape protection

KNOTEK Jaroslav

Year of publication 2008
Type Article in Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Law

Citation KNOTEK, Jaroslav. Dohody podle § 68 a § 69 zákona o ochraně přírody (Agreements according to § 68 and § 69 of the Law on the nature and landscape protection). 2008.
Keywords nature and landscape; protection financial benefit; land management
Description The paper is dealing with agreements according to § 68 an § 69 of the Law on the nature and landscape protection which allow to grant the financial benefit to owner or renter of the parcel for the land management.

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