Publication details

Natura 2000 a nový (evropský) pohled na ochranu přírody

Title in English Natura 2000 and a new view on the nature protection

KNOTEK Jaroslav

Year of publication 2008
Type Article in Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Law

Keywords Nature 2000; nature and landscape protection
Description Nature 2000 is a coherent European ecological network with assigned susceptible preservation which should enable the natural habitats and species' habitats concerned to be maintained or, where appropriate, restored at a favourable conservation statues in their natural range. Each member state of the European Union has contributed to the creation of the NATURA 2000 network in proportion to the representation in its territory of the natural habitat types and the habitats of species for which the network is to be declared. The law base of Nature 2000 is formed by the European Directive 79/409/EEC on the conservation of the wild birds (so called "Directive on birds") and the European Directive 92/43/EEC on the conservation of the natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora (so called "Directive on habitats"). These directives include two types of the protected areas -- Special Protected Areas (SPA) under the Directive on birds and Special Areas of Conservation (SAC) under Directive on habitats. Nature 2000 has meant the substantial changes in the legislation of the nature protection of the European Union countries. The most important for national nature protection is: 1) the mapping of the whole territory of every state (for the purpose of the identification of the sites of Community importance); 2) the method of the choice of the sites of Community importance and SPA (only on the bases of the relevant scientific information and the criteria set out in directives / decisions of the European Court of Justice); and 3) the enforceable obligation of the transposition and the implementation of the parts of European directives for the creation and the protection Nature 2000.

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