Publication details

Třetí expedice Karla Absolona na dno Macochy v roce 1905 v rukopisném deníku učitele Aloise Krále

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Title in English Karel Absolon´s expedition to the Macocha abbys in 1905. Publication of manuscript


Year of publication 2007
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Sborník Muzea Blansko 2007
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Citation KOSTRHUN, Petr. Třetí expedice Karla Absolona na dno Macochy v roce 1905 v rukopisném deníku učitele Aloise Krále (Karel Absolon´s expedition to the Macocha abbys in 1905. Publication of manuscript). In Sborník Muzea Blansko 2007. Blansko: Muzeum Blansko, 2007, p. 115-133. ISBN 80-86951-09-X.
Field Archaeology, anthropology, ethnology
Keywords Karel Absolon; Moravina kars
Description Karel Absolons expedition to the Macocha abbys in 1905. Publication of manuscript by teacher Alois Kral
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