Publication details

Lingvistické a didaktické aspekty funkčně gramatického výzkumu

Title in English The Linguistic and Didactic Aspects of Functional Grammar Research


Year of publication 2007
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Aktualnyje problemy obučenija russkomu jazyku VIII
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Field Linguistics
Keywords functional grammar linguistic aspects didactic aspects grammar research communicative aspect communicative needs language system ideografic Russian grammar
Description The author pleads for the necessity to describe a foreign language in a functional communicative aspect from the funmction (communicative needs) to the form (the linguistic means of expression of an idea). This approach is precedednecessarity by a brief survey of the language system in the direction from the form to its function. Then he presents a possible ideas how a practical university textbook of ideographic Russian grammar for Czech students.

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