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Zvýšená genová exprese heat shock proteinu 110 (HSP110), hypoxií up-regulovaného proteinu 1 (HYOU1) a translačně kontrolovaného nádorového proteinu (TCTP) během progrese kolorektálního karcinomu

Title in English Kolorektální karcinom (CRC) je v České republice nejčetněji se vyskytujícím maligním onemocněním trávicí soustavy a druhým nejčastějším zhoubným novotvarem vůbec. Dle Českého národního webového portálu epidemiologie nádorů (SVOD) je roční incidence tohot


Year of publication 2008
Type Conference abstract
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Medicine

Description Colorectal cancer (CRC) in the Czech Republic nejčetněji occurring malignancy of digestive system and the second most common malignant tumor at all. According to the Czech National Web Portal of cancer epidemiology (SVOD), the annual incidence of the disease 78 and mortality was 43 cases per hundred thousand inhabitants. The system of clinical stages of CRC, based on the TNM classification, provides information about prognosis, while the decisive criterion for the indication of adjuvant systemic therapy. While in case I and IV. clinical stage is the prognostic significance of TNM classification clear, a group of patients who are diagnosed in the second. (No lymph node involvement), and III. clinical stage (with dissemination to lymph nodes), it is not. This is evidenced by the fact that 30% of patients II. clinical stage occurs within five years, a relapse of cancer and only 45% of patients III. clinical stage reaches five-year survival, even though they underwent radical surgery. Is thus evident that the current disease staging based on the criteria of the TNM classification is not optimal, is failing to such an important part in patients with nepokročilým disease. The reason is how the existence of so-called understagingu (understatement N stage), lymph nodes due to an insufficient number of collected and / or lymph nodes examined, so that the TNM classification does not reflect the molecular biological characteristics of tumors. We assume that the identification of new markers of primary tumors metastatic to the light intensity using gene expression profiles to predict disability in light intensity when it is not possible to adequately perform their staging and then to allow a rational indication adjuvatní chemotherapy. We included 22 patients with confirmed CRC pathologist without prior neoadjuvant therapy, 12 patients in stage II without lymph node involvement, 10 in stage III with lymph nodes in the age range 40-85 years. In primary CRC patients, we determined the relative expression of 440 genes with presumed functions in tumor biology by low-density oligonucleotide makročipů. Analysis of the expression profiles using t-test identified 3 genes (HSP110, HYOU1, TCTP)-expressing double or higher in primary CRC group of patients whose tumors metastasizing to lymph nodes.

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