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O zapomianych ideach czechosłowackich liberalów z lat dwudziestych i pięćdziesiątych XX wieku

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Title in English From the obliving ideas of Czechoslovak liberals from the 20s and 50s of 20th century

GONĚC Vladimír

Year of publication 2008
Type Chapter of a book
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description Phenomenon of fictitious disappearance of political liberalism in consideration of the liberal political system of Czechoslovak Republic after WWI. Dynamics of liberal concepts on economics during the 20s. Hubert Ripka, Petr Zenkl, Vratislav Bušek and Fedor Hodža as the main liberal politicians and political thinkers in exile after 1948. Co-operation of Czechoslovak liberals in exile with the Polish, Hungarian, Romanian and Yugoslavian liberals and its importance for liberal projects of Central European and European integration. Liberal projects for constitutional and economic system for the times after the falling communism.
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