Publication details




Year of publication 2008
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Hydrobiologia
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Field Zoology
Keywords Aquatic Diptera; continental waters; diversity; distribution; state of knowledge
Description The known world fauna of Sciomyzidae embraces 533 described species. However, there is a large number of distinguished but still undescribed species and the tropical faunas appear insufficiently investigated. A number of species with aquatic and at least semiaquatic larvae may be estimated to about 280 spp., though the number of species with known biology of are larvae belonging to these ecological groups reach 156 species. The known aquatic forms are dominant in the subfamily Sciomyzinae (521 spp.). Semi-aquatic larvae of Sciomyzini chiefly are parasitoids and predators of exposed aquatic snails whereas aquatic larvae of Tetanocerini mainly include (at least in the last, third instar) overt predators of aquatic molluscs and aquatic oligochaetes.
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