Publication details

Využití metainformací prostorových dat v krizovém řízení

Title in English Use of spatial data metainformation in Crisis management


Year of publication 2008
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Geoinformatika ve veřejné správě, Brno 28.-30.5.2008
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Field Earth magnetism, geography
Keywords metainformation;crisis management;spatial data infrastructure;integration
Description Metainformation catalogues of spatial data are an integral part of Crisis management and public administration. However, Crisis management data stores do not have appropriate metadata support in the Czech Republic. According to common accessible sources it is not possible to get a homogenous overview of metadata status, their structure and possibilities of exchange formats. Nevertheless quality metainformation is the basis for effective spatial data infrastructure. For these reasons has our research been focused on interview of Crisis management institutions at both, national and regional level. Besides the answers itself we have analyzed ways of vertical and horizontal integration, potential for metadata publication and subsequent integration to catalogue service and also correspondence between oncoming statutory duty given by INSPIRE Directive.
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