Publication details

Aplikace elektrodepozice analytu v metodě ET-AAS pro jeho prekoncentraci a separaci od matrice vzorku

Title in English The application of electrodeposition for analyte preconcentration and separation in ET-AAS method


Year of publication 2007
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Inovace v atomové absorpční a fluorescenční spektroskopii
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Field Analytic chemistry
Keywords atomic absorption spectrometry; electrothermal atomization; electrodeposition
Description Techniques of electrolytic deposition for analyte preconcentration and separation in electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry (ET-AAS) are presented. The individual advantages/disadvantages of various arrangements (batch, flow-through, off-line, on-line, in-situ) of this coupled technique are discussed.
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