Publication details

Newsletter on Enchytraeidae No. 10: Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Enchytraeidae, May 25-28, 2006, Brno, Czech Republic



Year of publication 2007
Type Editing of thematic compilation, editing of monothematic issue of profesional journal
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Citation SCHLAGHAMERSKÝ, Jiří. Newsletter on Enchytraeidae No. 10: Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Enchytraeidae, May 25-28, 2006, Brno, Czech Republic. 1st ed. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2007, p. 1-233. ISBN 978-80-210-4553-8.
Description The volume includes the proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Enchytraeidae held in May 2006 in Brno, Czech Republic. In particular, it includes obituaries of the late Brenda Healy and Wim Didden and a selection of scientific contributions that were presented at the symposium. It further includes three additional papers on enchytraeids. The included papers cover various aspects of enchytraeid biology and ecology. Taxonomy is represented by three descriptions of species new to science (Achaeta diddeni, Achaeta pigmentosa and Fridericia brunensis) a revision of Hemienchytraeus stephensoni (Cognetti, 1927). Ecology and faunistics are represented by nine papers covering aquatic, semiterrestrial and terrestrial habitats in Europe, on islands in the South Atlantic, and in the tropics (an extensive review of tropical soil-dwelling enchytraeids). Three papers are devoted to the use of enchytraeids in ecotoxicology.
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