Publication details

On a species-poor enchytraeid community of peculiar composition



Year of publication 2007
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Newsletter on Enchytraeidae No. 10: Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Enchytraeidae, May 25-28, 2006, Brno, Czech Republic
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Field Zoology
Keywords Enchytraeidae; forest; drought; vertical distribution; population dynamics
Description Monthly sampling (Dec. 2003 to Dec. 2004) of two coniferous forest stands in a municipal forest of the city of Brno (Czech Republic) yielded an enchytraeid assemblage consisting of only two species: Achaeta eiseni Vejdovský, 1877, making up for ca. 70 % of all enchytraeids, and Fridericia brunensis Schlaghamerský, 2007 (a species new to science). Mean annual enchytraeid densities as individuals per m2 (standard error of the mean) in the two plots were 2 200 (1 500) and 2 600 (900). A. eiseni preferred the upper B-horizon whereas F. brunensis was most abundant above this layer. Data on population dynamics and changes in vertical distribution indicated a negative impact of frost and drought. However, the observed differences in densities were not statistically significant. Additional sampling of one of these plots in May 2006 yielded one additional species, Enchytronia parva Nielsen & Christensen, 1959, in low numbers.
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