Publication details

Patogenní Borrelia burgdorferi a hlodavci - identifikace izolátů, vyšetření na přítomnost protilátek

Title in English Pathogenic Borrelia burgdorferi and rodents - identification of isloates, examination for the presence of antibodies


Year of publication 2008
Type Conference abstract
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Citation VOSTAL, Karel and Alena ŽÁKOVSKÁ. Patogenní Borrelia burgdorferi a hlodavci - identifikace izolátů, vyšetření na přítomnost protilátek (Pathogenic Borrelia burgdorferi and rodents - identification of isloates, examination for the presence of antibodies). In Klinická mikrobiologie a infekční lékařství, XII. česko-slovenský kongres o infekčních nemocech, Ústí nad Labem, 11.-13.6.2008, abstrakta kongresu. 2008. ISSN 1211-264X.
Description Examination of wild-living rodents from different localities on the presence of antibodies to Borrelia afzelii and identification of Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato isolates obtained from caught rodents. Yellow-necked mouse (Apodemus flavicollis) was the only positive species, which prevailed in number of trapped individuals. There were found differences among localities (time of trapping, number of individuals). There were isolated 4 strains of borreliae, identified as B. afzelii (1x), B. garinii (2x) and the mixture of both (1x). There were found discrepsncies in position and intensity of surface proteins (Osp) between B. afzelii and B. garinii.
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