Publication details

Metadatový tok v krizovém řízení: od konceptu k implementaci. Disertační práce.

Title in English Metadata flow in Crisis Management: concept to implementation. Dissertation work.


Year of publication 2008
Type R&D Presentation
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Description This thesis is focused on metadata of spatial data and services with the emphasis on research of international trends, paneuropean unification and its impacts on metadata management in the Czech Republic. The core of theoretical part of this study is the research of ISO and OGC standards including their compatibility and inferential results. This work follows existing national and foreign analyses of spatial data description. It broadens these analyses with a logical chain that contains metadata standards interoperability, description of spatial services, dealing with specifics of thesauri and catalogue services. The further steps are practical testing of different geoinformatical platforms and finding out status of available data stores for Crisis management. The final steps then are design and implementation of a metainformation profile for Crisis management. The main results are following: testing of different geoinformatical platforms brought results that contain software insufficiency. The software providers and producers obtained feedback containing recommendations; these recommendations could be implemented in next versions of their software (MICKA, GCE). Results of testing of different geoinformatical platforms are also used as a source of information in Joint Research Centre (JRC). Catalogue services analysis has been used by the INTERGRAPH Corporation as the main source for creation of their metainformation catalogue, which is compliant with ISO standards, OGC standards and INSPIRE directive. In addition to the above mentioned results, a Crisis management metadata profile itself was created. It covers the needs of Crisis management institutions (obtained from questionnaires), but also respects oncoming statutory duty given by INSPIRE metadata. This result has further been used in the project No. MSM0021622418 called Dynamic Geovisualisation in Crisis Management.
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