Publication details

Jak se dělá digitální matematická knihovna

Title in English How to build a digital mathematics library

BARTOŠEK Miroslav KREJČÍŘ Vlastimil

Year of publication 2007
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Automatizace knihovnických procesů - 11.
MU Faculty or unit

Institute of Computer Science

web Webová verze sborníku
Field Informatics
Keywords digitization; mathematics digital library; metadata; metadata editor; DSpace
Description Approaches and solutions used in the Czech digital mathematics library project are presented. (The DML-CZ project is aimed at researching and implementing techniques for mathematics digitization). A general DML-CZ workflow is introduced and then its last two stages are described: (a) building digital articles and their metadata using the Metadata Editor, (b) implementing the end-user DML-CZ digital library using the open source DSpace software.
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