Publication details

Čeho je moc, toho je příliš aneb jaké má čeština komparativy a superlativy ?

Title in English How Much Is Too Much ? or How the Category of the Grade in Czech Might Be Expressed


Year of publication 2008
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Přednášky a besedy ze XLI. běhu LŠSS
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Field Linguistics
Keywords grade; comparative; superlative; authomatical morphological analysis; corpus; hebraic superlative
Description The aim of this paper is to present some peripheral modes of expressing superlative in Czech. We shall deal with a paradigmatic formation of comparatives and superlatives and we shall observe upon material from the language corpora the limits of this way of word-formation. Furthermore, we shall provide other examples (based on data mined from corpora, internet and dictionaries) of the uppermost-grade-expressing, including the hebraic superlative and the latin superlative in Czech.
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