Publication details

Preference dospělých ve vyhledávání pomoci v oblasti práce

Title in English Preferences of Czech adults in searching for help in the field of work life


Year of publication 2008
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Pedagogicko-psychologické poradenství
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Field Pedagogy and education
Keywords adult; lifelong guidance; availability of counselling services; work life
Description The paper brings an answer to the question, if Czech adults search for help in the field of work life. Further, it focuses on characteristics which have an impact on help searching and are projected into the preferences for help searching. Preferences for help searching and their cohesion with other characteristics of adults are identified on evidence based questionnaire survey done in the Czech Republic. Particular empirical results are discussed with regards to improvement of availability of counselling services in the context of lifelong guidance.
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