Publication details

Petrografická charakteristika fragmentu neolitické zoomorfní nádoby z Květnice

Title in English Petrographic study of neolitic zoomorphic vessel fragments from Květnice


Year of publication 2008
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Ve službách archeologie
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Field Archaeology, anthropology, ethnology
Keywords Archaeometry; petrography; stroked pottery; zoomorphic vessel
Description The fragments of neolitic zoomorphic vessel from excavation site in Květnice area of Prague's east district was studied by means of Mineralogical-petrographic analysis. It was supposed that the origin of the zoomorphic vessel torso can be dated back to the late phase of Stroked pottery culture. In order to verify this hypothesis the vessel artifact was investigated by micropetrographic analysis and the results were compared with the reference samples. Two fragments of Stroked pottery culture found in the Cremated burial in the excavation site were used as the reference samples (K 2; K 3). In case of significant differences between the tested sample and reference samples one can assumed that the fragment either originated from different culture or it was imported. The micropetrographic analyses proved a good corespondece between the zoomorphic vessel (K1) and the thin-wall ceramic (ware) (K2). Similar quantitative and qualitative mineral composition was obtained for all samples. Therefore can be assumed that the zoomorphic vessel under investigation (K 1) was not imported but originates from Stroked pottery culture. The composition of artifact made of rawer ceramic material (K3) slightly differ from other samples, this is probably caused by the opening-material additives. The Stroked pottery culture originated from this locality was made of clay, that was mined near the excavation site. The temperature of firing of the artifacts was low, between 500-600 C. The presence of mineral fragments in silty opening-material was not proved. Considering the full corespondence between the studied sample and the reference sample K2, the origin of the fragments of neolitic zoomorphic vessel without excavation context can be refered to the Cremated burial culture with Stroked pottery culture.
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