Publication details

Global web site standardization in the new EU member states: Initial observations from Poland and the Czech Republic


OKAZAKI Shintaro ŠKAPA Radoslav

Year of publication 2008
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source European Journal of Marketing
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Economics and Administration

Field Management and administrative
Keywords European Union; Integration; Marketing communications; Multinational companies; Standardization; Worldwide web
Description This study explores US brands' web site standardisation in terms of the extent of standardisation and the content applied across European markets. The conceptual framework was created on the basis of four basic functions of web site content, i.e. transaction, communication, relationship, and interactivity. In total, 206 web sites created for the UK, France, Germany, and Spain were examined by online content analysis techniques, in terms of the features of the web site in each host country, and the similarity between the home-country (USA) and host-country web sites.

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