Publication details

Zu einigen tschechischen Diminutiven und ihren Entsprechungen im Deutschen

Title in English On Some Czech Diminutives and their Counterparts in German

KÁŇA Tomáš PITTNER Karin (ed.)

Year of publication 2008
Type Chapter of a book
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Description On Some Czech Diminutives and their Equivalents in German This short study gives an outline of the most important works on (contrastive) research of diminutives and describes the possibilities of forming Czech neutral diminutives: first degree (suffix -ko); second degree (suffix -ičko). Only lexemes of Czech neutral nouns with full diminutive range (basic word (pivo) - diminutive: 1st degree (pivko)-diminutive 2nd degree (pivečko)) were sorted out of the Czech-German parallel Corpus and compared with their German text-bound counterparts. The results show three groups of formal equivalence: 1) A synthetic diminutive in German is extremely rare or not existent (therefore no diminutive marker as a German counterpart); 2) A diminutive in German is possible but compensated in text; 3) A Czech diminutive of 1st degree is a basic form in German and Czech 2nd degree is a German formal diminutive with a suffix.

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