Publication details

Prostorová analýza konkurenceschopnosti železniční dopravy v České republice z hlediska časové efektivity

Title in English Spatial Analysis of Rail Transport Competitivness in the Czech republic in terms of Time Efficiency

KRAFT Stanislav VANČURA Michal

Year of publication 2008
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Kvizda, M., Tomeš, Z. (eds.): Konkurenceschopnost a konkurence v železniční dopravě - ekonomické a regionální aspekty regulace konkurenčního prostředí
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Keywords rail transport, competitivness, time efficiency, accessibility
Description Competitiveness of the rail transport is influenced not only by its ability to fulfil its general function which is conveyance of passengers and goods, but also by the speed of this transportation. The speed of movement in space thus becomes a basic demand placed on the present system of every transportation mode. Many users of rail transport regard its insufficient speed as one of its disadvantages in comparison with other means of transport. In the near future building of high speed rails of the west European type is not planned. However, building of high-capacity rail corridors and modernisation of equipment have in the last few years improved the quality of travelling and also increased the transportation speed of passengers and goods. Major problem is the asymmetric spatial allocation of railway networks and rail corridors in the Czech Republic, which causes regional differences in the ability of the rail transportation to compete with other transportations modes. The aim of this analysis is to assess the position of the individual regions of the Czech Republic in the system of rail transport in terms of their efficiency, which means the speed of transport and its comparison with the competitive bus transport and especially with the individual car transport. This approach enables us to specify regions in which rail transportation fulfils its function efficiently and regions where rail transportation is inefficient.

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