Publication details

Dealing with uncertainties in Grids through the event-based scheduling approach

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Year of publication 2008
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Fourth Doctoral Workshop on Mathematical and Engineering Methods in Computer Science (MEMICS 2008)
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Law

Field Informatics
Keywords Grid; Scheduling; Event-based approach
Description This work describes the application of the schedule-based approach when dealing with the Grid scheduling problem. We present the advantages as well as the common problems related to this approach. In contrast to the classical queue-based approach, schedule-based approach is much more influenced by the natural dynamics and the uncertainty present in the Grid. Therefore, we propose some general techniques to overcome these problems while keeping the benefits of the schedule-based approach. These techniques use event-based scheduling approach which keeps the schedule up-to-date over the time according to the events appearing due to the dynamically changing state of the Grid. This approach uses only limited re-scheduling keeping the algorithm's runtime reasonable while still preserving the benefits of the general schedule-based approach as is demonstrated in the experimental evaluation.
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