Publication details

Existuje vrozená dispozice k rozvoji plakem indukované gingivitidy?

Title in English Do there exist hereditary disposition to the development of plaque-induced gingivitis?


Year of publication 2008
Type Conference abstract
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Medicine

Citation IZAKOVIČOVÁ HOLLÁ, Lydie, Kristína MUSILOVÁ, Martina KUKLETOVÁ and Lubomír KUKLA. Existuje vrozená dispozice k rozvoji plakem indukované gingivitidy? (Do there exist hereditary disposition to the development of plaque-induced gingivitis?). In Sympózium detskej a preventívnej stomatológie ABSTRACTA. Bratislava: Slovenská lekárska společnosť, 2008, p. 10-10.
Description Our results suggested that, apart from the presence of pathogens, a significant role in periodontal diseases is played by the organisms immune system, as early as at the level of gingivitis. In the children of the present study, the "risky haplotype" for the development of gingivitis was identical with the haplotype occurring more frequently in patients with chronic periodontitis, which suggests a genetic relationship between these two types of diseases.
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