Publication details

Jedináček a rozvod - vliv rozvodu na reprodukční dráhu ženy

Title in English Single Children and Divorce: The Divorce Effect on Women's Life Course


Year of publication 2008
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Sociální studia
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

Field Sociology, demography
Keywords divorce rate; life course; life-cycle;single children; only child
Description This paper is focused on relationship between divorce rate of childless and share of only child mothers. We offer a hypothesis of high probability of only child mothers among women who born their first child after divorce. The hypothesis is based on assumption, that divorce of childless woman breaks her life cycle, trims her reproductive period (which is defined socially and biologically) and finally increases probability of birth of only child. Data shows that divorced, childless women have only child much more often but their share (despite rising divorce rate of childless) is low and can not affect share of only child mothers in whole population. We used vital statistics for the Czech Republic 1993/2004.
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