Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato in ectoparasites of small rodents - mites and fleas
Authors | |
Year of publication | 2008 |
Type | Conference abstract |
MU Faculty or unit | |
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Description | In our two year study ectoparasites of rodents were examined for the presence of borrelian DNA in order to find if there is a possibility of their participation in transfer of B.b.s.l within the vector-host cycle. The majority of parasites were members of the families Parasitidae and Dermanyssidae (Acarina) and families Hystrichopsyllidae and Ceratophyllidae (Siphonaptera). The most predominant species was Laelaps agilis, an obligate parasitic mite parasiting various hosts. In the first year the presence of spirochetes in the midgut of single parasites (only Acarina) was found out using Dark Field Microscopy (DFM). Each DFM-positive sample was further tested for the presence of borrelian DNA using Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) method, where the primers for flagelline were used (1 positive sample). In second year arthropods from Acarina and Siphonaptera groups were gathered and examined as individuals or pools of certain species just by PCR method. DNA of B.b.s.l. was detected in representatives of all examined groups of parasitic arthropods. |
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