Publication details

Tradiční krajinné profese a krajinotvorné aktivity člověka

Title in English Traditional Landscape Professions and Landscape Activities of Man


Year of publication 2008
Type Monograph
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Citation VYBÍRAL, Jan and Jaromír KOLEJKA. Tradiční krajinné profese a krajinotvorné aktivity člověka (Traditional Landscape Professions and Landscape Activities of Man). 1st ed. Břeclav: Biosférická rezervace Dolní Morava, o. p. s., 2008, 70 pp. Krajinné profese.
Description The aim of the publication is to outline the landscape development in the Central European context with a focus on the specific characteristics of the Lower Morava Biosphere Reserve. It presents the major landscape professions, which use the landscape as their means of production, and their role in forming the character and structure of cultural landscape.
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