Publication details

20 years of Negami's planar cover conjecture

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Year of publication 2008
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference 20th Workshop on topological graph theory in Yokohama
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Informatics

web conference
Field General mathematics
Keywords planar covers; projective embedding
Description In 1988, Seiya Negami published a conjecture stating that a graph $G$ has a finite planar cover (i.e.~a homomorphism from some planar graph onto $G$ which maps the vertex neighbourhoods bijectively) if and only if $G$ embeds in the projective plane. Though the "if" direction is easy, and some supporting weaker statements have been shown by him, the conjecture is still open, after more than 20 years of intensive investigation. We review the (quite significant) progress made so far in solving Negami's conjecture, and propose possible promising directions of future research.
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