Publication details

Role sociálních pracovníků v prostředí státních organizací

Title in English Role of Social Workers in State Sector Einvironment


Year of publication 2008
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Časopis Sociální práce|Sociálna práca
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

Field Sociology, demography
Keywords role of social workers; environment of state organizations; social services; street-level bureaucracy; social work; bureaucracy; professionalism; bureau-professionalism; managerialism
Description In this paper we appeal to point out real reasons of most criticised impersonal and non-professional behaviour of state social workers during conducting with clients Key matter can be found in hard working conditions inside and outside state organizations influencing individual decisions of state social workers. Main goal of submitted text lies in complex description of modern state organisations delivering social services and explication of key role of social workers in delivering process. Accordingly we delimitate state organisations utilizing concept of bureaucracy and its critics first of all. Consequently we identify all key actors from inside and outside organisations who influence implementation process and final social services delivering. The most stress is put on line (social) workers with reference to its extraordinarily influence on final social policy appearance. We describe these actors and their position in organisation with help of street-level bureaucracy concept and consequently we also distinguish different kinds of their behaviour with respect to the impact of bureaucracy, professionalism, bureau-professionalism and managerialism pressures.
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