Publication details

Separation between Classical and Quantum Winning Strategies for the Matching Game

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Year of publication 2008
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Informatics

Field Informatics
Keywords Quantum pseudo-telepathy; classical and quantum winning strategies; the matching game; local realism
Description Communication complexity is an area of classical computer science which studies how much communication is necessary to solve various distributed computational problems. Quantum information processing can be used to reduce the amount of communication required to carry out some distributed problems. We speak of pseudo-telepathy when it is able to completely eliminate the need for communication. The matching game is the newest member of the family of pseudo-telepathy games. After introducing a general model for pseudo-telepathy games, we focus on the question what the smallest size of inputs is for which the matching game is a pseudo-telepathy game.
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