Publication details

Optical characterization of diamond-like carbon thin films non-uniform in thickness using spectroscopic reflectometry

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Year of publication 2008
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Diamond and Related Materials
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Field Solid matter physics and magnetism
Keywords Diamon-like carbon films; Non-uniformity in thickness; Material parameters; Optical constants
Description Two formulae expressing the reflectance of non-uniform thin films are presented. The first of them corresponds to the arbitrary shapes of this non-uniformity and illuminated light spot under assumption that this non-uniformity is sufficiently slight. The second formula corresponds to the wedge-shaped non-uniformity of arbitrary magnitude within the circular light spot. It is shown that both the formulae are suitable for the successful optical characterization of non-uniform diamond-like carbon (DLC) thin films in contrast to the usually used reflectance formula for the uniform thin films. Within the optical characterization the values of the standard deviation of non-uniformity is determined together with the correct values of the mean thickness and material parameters corresponding to the dispersion model based on the parameterization of the density of electronic states. On the basis of the material parameters determined the correct spectral dependences of the optical constants of the DLC films studied are calculated.
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