Publication details

Guide to Mathematical Concepts of Quantum Theory

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Year of publication 2008
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Acta Physica Slovaca
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Informatics

Field Informatics
Keywords Quantum theory
Description Quantum Theory is one of the pillars of modern science developed over the last hundred years. In this review paper we introduce, step by step, the quantum theory understood as a mathematical model describing quantum experiments. We start with splitting the experiment into two parts: a preparation process and a measurement process leading to a registration of a particular outcome. These two ingredients of the experiment are represented by states and effects, respectively. Further, the whole picture of quantum measurement will be developed and concepts of observables, instruments and measurement models representing the three different descriptions on experiments will be introduced. In the second stage, we enrich the model of the experiment by introducing the concept of quantum channel describing the system changes between preparations and measurements. At the very end we review the elementary properties of quantum entanglement. The text contains many examples and exercises covering also many topics from quantum information theory and quantum measurement theory. The goal is to give a mathematically clear and selfcontaining explanation of the main concepts of the modern language of quantum theory.
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