Publication details

The saproxylic beetles of Dlúhý hrúd, an old-growth remnant on the Lower Dyje River (Czechia)



Year of publication 2008
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Conference Volume of the 5th Conference on Saproxylic Beetles, June 14-16, 2008, Lüneburg (Germany)
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Field Ecology
Keywords Coleoptera; floodplain; alluvial forest; xylobiotic; flight interception traps
Description In 2003-2004, saproxylic beetles were collected by means of flight interception traps in a floodplain forest at Dlúhý hrúd on the lower reaches of the Dyje River south of the town of Břeclav (South Moravia, Czech Republic). The oak-dominated stand was a well preserved old-growth of a mean age of 110 years with interspersed ancient oaks, covering 9 ha and exposed to spring floods. 10 traps along a transect were operated for two entomological seasons. Altogether 8015 individuals of 281 saproxylic species were recorded (Staphylinidae and Ptiliidae excluded). This included 110 species listed at least in one of the Red Lists of Czechia, Slovakia, Austria and Germany. Additional protected species were found during another trapping campaign in 2007.
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